How to Use Computer Internet Connection On Android

How to Use Computer Internet Connection On Android

 Image result for internet

Hello Friends,
Many of us had high-speed broadband at their home and wanted to use it on their Android device. Many lack Wi-fi, So it was not possible.
Now I am here with a tutorial on How to use computer internet connection on the Android device. The process of using Mobile’s internet on PC is called Tethering, and this is entirely reverse of it, and therefore it is called Reverse Tethering.



  1. Universal Naked Drivers.
  2. Android Reverse Tethering Package.
  3. Your Device must be rooted, and SuperSu installed.
  4. An Android Device.(Obviously)

Steps to use computer internet connection on android device

  1. Enable USB Debugging on your device.(Go to Settings -> Developers Option -> Tick USB Debugging Option)(In case you does not find Developer options on your device, then go to Settings -> About -> Tap on build number many times. A popup will show that you are now a developer.)
  2. Open SuperSu application from App Drawer. Go to Settings >> Access >> Uncheck show Notifications.Use Computer Internet Connection On Android
  3. Extract the Android Reverse Tethering Package on your PC.
  4. Copy the 3 APK’s in it to your Phone’s SD card.
  5. Install all the three applications.
  6. Open Xposed Installer application and click Install/Update. You will be asked to reboot your phone.
  7. After Rebooting. Go to Xposed Installer >> Modules >> Check Hack Connectivity Service. (Complete this step if your phone has > Android 4.x.x otherwise don’t). Then reboot your phone.
  8. After rebooting. Open Usb Tunnel from App Drawer. Click start service.
  9. In your Computer, Navigate to the location where you have extracted the Reverse Tethering Package.
  10. Connect your phone to your PC.(Make sure that USB Debugging is set to ON)
  11. Open Android Tool.exe.Use Computer Internet Connection On Android
  12. Select your device and click connect.
  13. Open up the android browser and start surfing.